Tweetbot+ In Cydia!!

Just saw this free tweak called Tweetbot+ in Cydia and thought I would share it with you all. The features this tweak adds to Tweetbot 3 is.
• Send Photos via DM
Ever wanted to send other users photos using direct messages? Well, now you can.
• Native Favorites
Stop Tweetbot from kicking you into favstar whenever you’re trying to view favoriters list and show them natively within the app.
• Stream over LTE
Allows timeline streaming over cellular network.
• Auto Rotation
Use Tweetbot in both landscape and portrait orientation.
• Developer Settings
Enable hidden developer settings inside Tweetbot.
• Fake Profile Info
Override tweets/followers/following/listed count and verify your account.
• 140+ Tweets
Tweet with more than 140 characters.
• 140+ Direct Messages
Send direct messages with more than 140 characters.
• Localization
Tweetbot+ is available in the following languages: Arabic, French, German, Spanish.

So get to Cydia and enhance your Tweetbot experience for Free!
