YouTube Goes Missing On Some Devices.

If you woke up today and your 2nd generation or older Apple TV was one app shy on your TV screen. After taking a minute you come to find that your YouTube app is missing. Yes it has been 24 hours but the police won’t take a missing persons report on a app lol. 

The reason why you’re YouTube app is missing is Apple forcefully removed it of course. But why you ask. Well Google deprecating APIs that were used by certain older Apple devices to access the video streaming service where changed. This change has stopped YouTube from working on older Google TV devices, certain Blu-ray players, Sony-branded TVs and a few other devices. But unlike how Apple  handled it the apps will still be on those other devices. They just won’t work. 

Sadly if you own a 2nd generation or older Apple TV to get your YouTube app back you will be forced to update your hardware. A good thing is Apple has dropped the price of Apple TVs 3rd gens to just $69. So it won’t break the bank to much. 
