What’s next in the iOS community?

What’s next in the iOS community? This is a question that a lot of users are asking with 2 of the major Cydia repos closing their doors. Right now we have lost ModMyi and ZodTTD/MacCiti Cydia Repo’s due to funding. This is something that could keep happening with the lack of Jailbreaks being released. Right now BigBoss has started taking themes and is applying updates for themes already in Cydia on the closed repos. The owner of Cydia Saurik is now hosting a archived version of the closed repos. So anyone that needs to purchase or redownload the packages are able to do that.

What does this mean for the iOS community? Well in my personal opinion I think we will start to see more and more things slip away from the community. I know me personally I struggle with content to post on the site. This is the reason why the site has almost been abandoned when it comes to posts. I know for dtathemes I had to make a hosting switch due to ad revenue being low. As of now if we don’t see a Jailbreak for a iOS version currently being signed I fear we will loose more and more of this community.
